Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jalaram Bapa Temple, Virpur

Jalaram Bapa Temple, Virpur
The "Samadhi" of Shri Jalaram Bapa is on the feet of God Shri Ram Chandra. This is by the enterance, just on the Left side of the Big Gate of the "Dela". The "JHOLI-DANDA" is kept in the Transparent Cup-board and Shri Hanumanji's Idol is also Placed near the "Samadhi".
It is the birth plce of Shree Jalaram bapa.The main shrine of Jalaram Bapa is located at Virpur. The shrine is actually the house complex where Jalaram lived during his lifetime. The shrine houses the belongings of Jalaram and the idols of Rama, Sita, Lakshamana and Hanuman worshipped by him. It also has on display the Jholi and Danda said to be given by God. But the main attraction is the portrait of Jalaram Bapa. There is also an actual black and white photo of Jalaram Bapa, taken one year before his death.
The temple is one of a kind in the world in a way that it has not been accepting any offerings since 9th February, 2000.

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